
Japanese Man Arrested For Ejac*lat!ng On Women In A Train (Photo)

Tetsuya Fukuda, 40, was recently arrested in Tokyo, Japan, for allegedly ejac*lat!ng on more than 100 women on local trains for four years.
Police analyzed the “pap” that had been sprayed on the skirt of a 18–year-old schoolgirl and the analysis led to Fukuda.
Fukuda allegedly m@stur-b@ted on crowded trains and ejac*lat!ng through holes in his jackets. He reportedly targeted young women.

Ria Yoneda, an alleged 26-year-old victim, said, “It happened to me as well but I didn’t know who had done it. It is just disgusting, he needs help.”
During his arrest, Fukuda reportedly told police, “I get excited when in close contact with a woman on a crowded train.”
Fukuda has been charged with damaging property, which might be in reference to the women’s clothing.


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