
Late Whitney Hoston’s Daughter Has Been Taking Home To Rest Peacefully >>>

It’s been nearly 6 months since Bobbi Kristina, daughter of late songstress, Whitney Houston, was found face down in a bath tub.

After being on life savers and all in the past few months, Radaronline now reports that she is being moved home to pass away peacefully.
    “They are planning to keep her in Georgia and possibly bring her back to the townhouse.That was her home and her mum’s home. If they can bring her back it would be great. If she’s alive, then let her be home and surrounded by beautiful photos of her mum. It’s as good as it gets in such a bad situation.”

However her father, Bobby Brown is said to be against the move, having previously vowed to keep fighting for his daughter.

According to reports, the star has refused to turn his daughter’s machine off while there’s still hope that she’ll pull through.

A Brown family source told People magazine: “Bobby is never going to take her off life support.”


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